Friday, April 25, 2014

Younique - Uplift. Empower. Motivate.

Younique - Uplift. Empower. Motivate.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Protein packed French toast

This is the day the lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it! For a protein packed breakfast try this :) 2 slices of bread either Ezekiel or natures own 2 tablespoons of cinnamon 1 whole egg two egg whites 1 scoop of protein powder I use Dymatize elite gourmet vanilla blend the eggs and protein in a food processor or blender then place in bowl dip the bread in bowl and sprinkle each side with cinnamon cook on stove top , top with bananas and a few dark chocolate chips You can also use a low or zero calorie syrup taste amazing and over 30grams of protein per serving!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Pain you've been feeling doesn't compare to the joy that is coming!!

This is the word I am holding on to the recent pains in life that I have endured and overcome are nothing compared to the joy that is coming, GOD will bring it to pass because I commit my way to him he is forever faithful. I am learning daily to lay it down at the cross and put my trust in him in every area of my life ! God has provided for me over and above I lost my job in July. I was concerned for a moment, then I just said GOD you have a plan and he does. I still am not working but GOD continues to provide. I have my real estate license so I am working that and am getting into what I am passionate about FITNESS! I live for and love working out I love helping people. I am also coming up with more extensive plans for my clothing line hopefully to launch this year! God is our source not our job, not the government! I am thankful for my heavenly father who meets all my needs! God continually reminds me he is my joy his joy is my strength! so no matter what your going through just know GOD has your back he is brining it to pass TRUST him!
Until Next time Fit by Faith Lisa Victory